The Talk of the Lab

Bringing science to your mushroom growing
Everyone in mushroom has an opinion, but good advice is hard to find. Fortunately for us, science is at our fingertips, and you can use Google Scholar to easily find it.
Bringing science to your mushroom growing
Everyone in mushroom has an opinion, but good advice is hard to find. Fortunately for us, science is at our fingertips, and you can use Google Scholar to easily find it.

It's science!
We live in an age of easy answers. Got a question? Google has an answer. So does Bing, and so do countless self-styled experts on [pick your favorite social media...
It's science!
We live in an age of easy answers. Got a question? Google has an answer. So does Bing, and so do countless self-styled experts on [pick your favorite social media...

Fungal Networks
Wherever there are fungi, there are fungal networks, and we can thank them for our food plants, shade trees, and morning cup of coffee or tea!
Fungal Networks
Wherever there are fungi, there are fungal networks, and we can thank them for our food plants, shade trees, and morning cup of coffee or tea!

The Journey from Borrowed Land Farm to The Fung...
By the end of 2021, I was feeling pretty burned out. Borrowed Land Farm had been doing very well, expanding into new markets and getting recognition for our good work....
The Journey from Borrowed Land Farm to The Fung...
By the end of 2021, I was feeling pretty burned out. Borrowed Land Farm had been doing very well, expanding into new markets and getting recognition for our good work....

The journey from Borrowed Land Farm to The Fung...
COVID turned out to be a little disruptive, but it drove changes that ultimately moved us in a positive direction.
The journey from Borrowed Land Farm to The Fung...
COVID turned out to be a little disruptive, but it drove changes that ultimately moved us in a positive direction.

The journey from Borrowed Land Farm to The Fung...
This is the first part of a story about how a couple of scrappy marine biologists started a mushroom farm, Borrowed Land Farm, and how that mushroom farm became a mushroom...
The journey from Borrowed Land Farm to The Fung...
This is the first part of a story about how a couple of scrappy marine biologists started a mushroom farm, Borrowed Land Farm, and how that mushroom farm became a mushroom...