Mission and Value Statements

Mission Statement

Our mission is to make mushroom production easy for home growers, and profitable for commercial growers.  We will accomplish this through online knowledge sharing, hands on training opportunities, and access to high quality organic spawn and fruiting blocks.


Value Statement

The Fungal Network’s core values are:

Manufacturing High Value Mushroom Production Products

  • Operational efficiency to keep prices competitive
  • Continuous Quality Improvement to minimize any product defects
  • Innovation 


High Performing Teams fully engaged in company success

  • All team member, including team leads and executive team, exhibit CRADL attributes as requirement of employment 
  • Financial performance transparency Contribute to company decisions
  • Share in profits
  • Participate in innovation and CQI


Community Engagement

  • Engaging with our local community through regular speaking and demonstration events with hobby and professional groups, as well as hosting events for home-growers.  Engaging with our regional and nation-wide community through free access to downloadable information and educational videos that help people succeed in commercial and home mushroom growing.